2019 Topps Baseball
By J-Dub
I recently
spent a lazy Sunday down at my parent’s house, the house I grew up in; at...
Interview with Ken Karl by Shane Salmonson
More interviews by Shane.
I have featured quite a few amazing sports artists on here
already, but I keep finding...
Interview with Stephan Loeffler Written By Shane Salmonson
More Blogs by Shane
There are many collectors out there that are extremely knowledgeable about the trading card hobby....
2018 Stranger Things Trading Cards with J-Dub
More blog by J-Dub
There are only a few components of my childhood that I have been able to...
Sorting It Out: Football Cards by Matt Gilman
But, in a world of stress and worries, I can say as a card collector, there is one thing about collecting that can help squash that stress and wash those worries away, it’s called sorting. Believe me, if you haven’t used sorting as a stress relief before, you should!
How Diamond Got to Manipulate the Sports Card Market in the...
People that were just getting old enough to understand that trading cards were better stored in 9 pocket pages instead of...
Interview with Jeff Hoferer written by Shane Salmonson
More blogs by Shane.
You don’t have to constantly be buying cards to enjoy this
hobby. One way to experience...
2018 Panini Optic Review with J-Dub!
More of J-Dubs blogs and Twitter
Innovation and improvements are all around us. As much as I love the...
Interview with Card Illustrator Phil Hassewer
As you may have noticed, artist sketch cards are showing up
in more and more products lately, from entertainment trading cards, to sports
Sorting It Out: The Act of Sorting Basketball Cards written by...
More blogs by Matt Gilman
In a world of stress and worries, I can...