Photography If you collect View-Master reels we have supplies! Click on the link to view products.
Do photographers depend more on expensive tools to express their visions than their senses? Is the quality of a photographer’s images lessened because they know most of the flaws can be fixed in Photoshop? What about the new $3000... Our presentation books are an excellent archival way to display "one subject" photos such as old photos of your town, graduation or birthday parties, beach trips over the years etc. They have 24 double-sided acid-free pages with acid -free... "Doctoring" photos is almost as old as the invention of the photograph. Our favorite photos are often "fixed" before printing (think graduation pictures). That is okay though. Display them proudly in our Photo Frame Cards, send them as gifts... Portraits of lovely ladies should be framed. We have a nice selection of wood frames to choose from and they are on sale! Click on the link to view.
Being a detective in photo dating means looking at more then the clothes people are wearing. Circumstances may dictate wearing wearing clothes longer then a stylish period. The same is true for hair styles and automobiles. You need to delve... If you have glass plate negatives we have glass plate negative enclosures and storage boxes. Past era Images of other cultures are some of the most intriguing photos in existence. They are from a time that most people didn't travel and did not have the opportunity to see how other people lived.These photos are... Protect those old photos to keep even the absurd around for future generations. These are the type of images that tell a related story. If you need to protect and present same story photos - we have archival presentation books for that in 9 photo sizes.


Springtime, Sunshine, Flowers and BASEBALL!

By Bob Walden It’s been a long winter. Now spring has sprung. The seasonal change! And with this change...