
Considering we here at Collection Connections and Bags Unlimited live in Kodak Town, we think this is a really cool behind the scenes look at where Kodak film is made.
I was surprised to learn the word “vintage” can have three different meanings in the world of photos. When purchasing photos on-line, at an art show or flea market this is good information to have so when a seller...
Proper storage for your photos is a must! These archival quality photo storage boxes are a perfect reason to finally toss away those old random shoe boxes you have saved your photos in for the past 20 years. Do...
by Bob Walden Kodak was the major photographic company from the 1880’s until the early 1970’s. Kodak was responsible for major advances in film, cameras, chemicals and photographic papers. But why did Kodak make...
Cold boring days? A good time to do some scanning. Unusual weather we are having. It’s cold and snowing one day, then cold and raining another day and then the next day has a jump into the high forties...
By Bob Walden It’s been a long winter. Now spring has sprung. The seasonal change! And with this change comes the change in sports. Baseball is here! And being an older person, my thoughts... If you prints that you want to frame - we have them on sale. Click here  
Do photographers depend more on expensive tools to express their visions than their senses? Is the quality of a photographer’s images lessened because they know most of the flaws can be fixed in Photoshop? What about the new $3000...
There is no way to accurately know the number of Native Americans before 1850. The first counting of Native Americans for the United States census was 1850. Previously they were not counted among the U.S. population. Estimated figures prior...
How is your Deltiology collection doing? Just before the holidays I listened to a discussion on “Was the Market for Postcards Tanking”. Mostly the discussion was aimed at Ebay buyers and sellers. Not really my area of interest as...


Springtime, Sunshine, Flowers and BASEBALL!

By Bob Walden It’s been a long winter. Now spring has sprung. The seasonal change! And with this change...