Photo Featured

Early Photography’s role in Science

Medical and scientific advancements with the help of early photography Early photographers, in many cases, were artists always looking for ways to expand on their art....

Preservers of the Native American culture through photography

There is no way to accurately know the number of Native Americans before 1850. The first counting of Native Americans for the United States...

The Lighter Side of Early Photography

The lighter side of early photography Photography is the visual capture of time: the good times, bad times; the happy times, and sad times. All...

Have Old Photos? Here are some Scanning Basics

Cold boring days? A good time to do some scanning. Unusual weather we are having. It’s cold and snowing one day, then cold and...

Vacation Slideshows in the modern age

Vacation Slideshows in the modern age "Just got our Yosemite trip slides back. You’re going to love these! Someone, please turn out the lights." Anyone...

Remembering Christmas’ past

The holidays are a great time for remembering family’s, past and present. And so many of those memories are in old photos of Christmas’s...

Early Christmas Cards

From a simple Christmas greeting It seems like Christmas cards have been around forever. However, the first Christmas card is credited to artist and illustrator...

Antique Photo Jewelry

Early Mourning Jewelry Last Sunday I bought a piece of photo jewelry to add to my collection at a local antique shop. One of the...

Women in early Photography

Women in early photography There are so many recognizable names in photography. Joseph Niepce, the first to capture an image in a camera. Louis Daguerre,...

Value of Old Photography

I just don’t understand the how some things are valued. I collect old cameras, old photographs, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes. From auctions, ebay, antique stores and...


Springtime, Sunshine, Flowers and BASEBALL!

By Bob Walden It’s been a long winter. Now spring has sprung. The seasonal change! And with this change...